Sarona/MEDA Global Investor Survey: Limited Partner Perspectives on Private Credit and Trade Finance in Frontier & Emerging MarketsIn spring 2019, Emerging Markets Development Partners (EMDP), in partnership with Sarona Asset Management and MEDA, undertook a survey of 46 individuals from 39 different firms. The survey aggregated investor views on private credit in Frontier and Emerging Markets and, ultimately, appetite for a proposed security offering. Key survey findings
- LP interest in private credit in F&EM is high and growing: 74% of respondents expressed a moderate to high interest in investment allocations to private credit in Frontier and Emerging Markets.
- 69% of respondents expressed a moderate to high interest in investment allocations to SME trade finance in Frontier and Emerging Markets.
- 66% of respondents believe the weighting of fund portfolio exposure to frontier markets versus emerging markets should be determined by market factors and investment opportunities available.
- 97% of respondents believe loss protection would influence their decision to invest in a trade finance vehicle.
Read our summary of the survey findings / Le rapport en francais.
Sarona acknowledges the collaborative support of Global Affairs Canada and Mennonite Economic Development Associates to undertake this research.
We also gratefully acknowledge the 46 survey respondents who contributed their invaluable insights to the survey. Thank you.
More to read on trade finance: Read our summary of our trade finance market demand research or visit MEDA’s page on their Trading Up program.
LP interest in private credit in F&EM is high and growing